Be sure to take advantage of these super low priced specials while quantities last!
At these prices all sales are final.
6" Boning, Stiff, Black, Microban + Proflex Handle
12" Chef's, Proflex-Black
Handle with Microban
12" Scalloped Slicer, Black
8" Chef's Knife, Narrow Blade, Proflex-Black
10" Chef's Knife, Narrow Blade, Proflex-Black
12" Chef's Knife, Narrow Blade, Proflex-Black
10" Chef's Knife, Proflex-Black, Wavy Edge
10" Pastry Knife, Proflex-Black
6" Boning Knife, Stiff, Yellow
Microban & Proflex Handle
6" Boning, Stiff, Yellow, Microban + Proflex Handle
10" Chef's, Proflex-Red, Wavy Edge
8" Breaking Knife, Blue, Microban + Proflex Handle
10" Breaking Knife, Blue, Microban + Proflex Handle
6" Boning, Stiff, Blue, Granton, Microban + Proflex Handle
6" Boning, Semi-Flex, Blue, Granton, Microban + Proflex Handle
6" Boning Knife, Stiff, Blue, Microban + Proflex Handle
12" Scalloped Slicer, Blue Proflex Handle
High Quality, European Made, 10" Offset Spatula with an Anti-Slip Handle
9" Sharpening Steel, Stainless Steel
Item #: #5312(ECONOMY)12" Knife Magnet Bar, Wood
** Knives not included **
These are our current best sellers.